• Marina Liga Zabaikalsky State University, Russian Federation
  • Tatiana Voronchenko Zabaikalsky State University, Russian Federation
  • Yelena Zakharova Zabaikalsky State University, Russian Federation
Keywords: education, quality of life, society, values, assessment, subjectivity, culture-centric


Quality of life is an essential parameter to consider when society and its members are concerned.  Education can become crucial in assessing social progress and quality of life. Thus, quality of life, as an indicator of any country’s educational system and its efficiency, becomes an instrument for implementing educational policies both for social and personal development.  Further, quality of life, a person’s satisfaction with his or her life activity, is determined mostly by the state of the educational system and by conditions created for a person’s development and realization of talents. Our research question is “what is considered to be qualitative, material or morality? Culture-centric or universal?”

This article aims to address the problem using systemic, structural, functional, and cultural approaches.  Systemic approach helps to reveal the integral character of the studied phenomenon—quality of life. The approach, based on cultural study, helps to ground the culture-centric educational principle as a mechanism to provide adequate quality of life in contemporary society.  Functional and structural approach helps to investigate the function of education and its role in the society. The change from technogenic civilization toward quality-of-life civilization requires a new perspective, which is capable of not only an adaptation to existing reality, but also of an ability to improve upon it.  People who can achieve this become representatives of a new social group—meritocracy.  Culture-centric educational principle is one of the ways to build up a new educational paradigm in order to prepare young people for a contemporary society. 


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