• Natália Stalmašeková University of Žilina,Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications
  • Tatiana Genzorová University of Žilina,Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Žilina
  • Tatiana Čorejová University of Žilina,Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Žilina
Keywords: work motivation, employee benefits, research, survey


Behind a successful company there are several factors which affect its activities and performance. These are various economic issues, production processes, capital and people- employees. The human resources of a company largely depend on how the company is able to respond to challenges of the market. Employers are recently trying to take care of their employees much more than just rewarding them with a salary. They provide them a variety of employee benefits with which they try to motivate them to better perform. The aim of the paper is to describe the system of benefits provided by companies in general. The first part of paper contains a general framework of the issue and the second part describes the current situation of providing benefits in Slovakia and abroad, specifically in the United States. The paper highlights the differences in understanding of importance of benefits in each country. The final part of the paper contains research about opinions of students of the University of Žilina about providing benefits at the workplace.


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