• Vladimíra Štefancová Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, University of ilina
  • Anna Šatanová Department of Economics, Management and Marketing, International School of Management Slovakia, Prešov
  • Danka Harmanová Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, University of Žilina
Keywords: Flowchart, Ishikawa diagram, Pareto, delay causes, quality management, process


The basic principle of continuous improvement of each enterprise is to comprehend its particular transport processes. For better understanding and detailed analysis there are available lots of quality improvement toolkit. The relationship between consequence and potential causes can be monitored through various fundamental and specific tools. This article is oriented on train delay which belongs among the typical problems in the railway sector and is considered significant from the customer's perspective. The aim of this paper is to highlight the possible applications of quality management methods in the framework of the train delay issue. These delays influence a trains' punctuality and therefore it is important to identify most prevalent causing these problems reasons as well as to analyze them and propose solutions.


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