Social Adaptation And Ability Of Roma And Non-Roma Children Living In Turkey

  • Maide Orçan Selçuk University
  • Zuhal Güven Selçuk University
  • Adalet Kandır Gazi University
Keywords: Roma Children, Social Adaptation And Ability, Preschool Period


It is a fact that Roma people are among socially disadvantaged people who live in unenviable conditions. As education is one of the most important tools in the social integration of different groups in society, the identification of subgroups is a must for further steps on the way to providing scientifically valid and reliable studies. Considering these points and the insufficient amount of academic research in the field in Turkey, the researchers of the study aimed at investigating the social adaptation and abilities of five or six-year-old Roma children living in Konya, a city with nearly a million dwellers in Turkey. The study was conducted on 71 children, aged five or six years old, from Roma and non-Roma families. The data were gathered by means of the Social Adaptation and Ability Scale, and a survey form including some demographic questions. As a result, significant differences against the Roma children were found between the groups, and comprehensive studies and urgent measures were recommended on the issue. 


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