• Terézia Jindrová Department of Physics, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Keywords: Joule’s experiment, Inquiry-based school education, heat, energy, work


Energy remains a problematic topic in the pedagogic sphere. One main issue in high-school teaching is the lack of practical examples. Such demonstrations are the most effective way of imparting knowledge. This article discusses a new modern version of the Joule’s experiment as a practical demonstration for Physics classes. It models the specific thermal capacity and the transformation of mechanical energy into heat energy. As such, it represents an approach for teaching thermodynamics. The goal of this research is to verify the functionality of the new apparatus and its optimization for use in practical experiments during high-school classes. One main acquisition is the application of the Joule’s experiment in teaching Physics within a lesson and to provide a methodical procedure on how to operate the experiment in a school. This practical example may help teachers incorporate other experiments and use inquiry-based science education in their teaching programs.


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