• Oxana Posukhova Southern Federal University
  • Oxana Nor-Arevyan Southern Federal University
  • Pavel Zayats Southern Federal University
  • Ludmila Klimenko Southern Federal University
Keywords: megapolis, professional identity, professionalism, social and professional group, ‘white collar’ workers.


Scenarios for professional identity development are studied using level-based sociological analysis, i.e., at a social micro-level in a group of peer professionals and at an institutional macro-level in a social and professional structure of a megapolis. Based on the research, in which ‘white collar’ workers were chosen as a reference group, the authors conclude that a professional identity in a megapolis experiences multidirectional influence of imitative professionalism. In addition, an identification model matrix is formed that focuses on professional identity as a self-identification that self-attributes to a group of professionals as a power with active social and civil position. The discovered trends are reviewed at macro- and micro-levels.


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