Pathogenic Approaches To The Treatment Of Patients With Acute Pneumonia Progressing With Bronchial Obstruction

  • M Khaidarova Republican Scientific-Practical Medical Center of Pediatrics of the Ministry of Health


At the analysis of clinical efficiency of differential therapy in
the  patients  with  AP  with  BO  the  type  vegetative  nervous system is defined. In the patients with hypersympathicotonic VR  (group  II)  and  asympathycotonic  VR  (III  group).during differential treatment there was noted reduction in duration of dyspnea, pulmonary cyanosis,  moist pulmonary rales . In  the  patients  with  AP  with  BO  alongside  with  changes biochemical, immune and vegetative status there was found wrong  attitude    of  the  family  to  the  child,  and  also the psychological behavioral deviations in the child as increasd anxiety,  aggression;  on  a  background  of  complex  therapy
were  performed  psychological  correctional  methods  of
treatment:  musictherapy,  psychogymnastics,  game

At  catamnestic  observation  within  one  year  of  40  children
who  have  received  on  a  background  of  other  methods  of treatment psychocorrection, repeated bronchial obstruction
was  observed  only  at  15  %  observable  children.  In  control group  already  through  3  months  45  %  of  children  have addressed  with  repeated  episodes  BO  at  pneumonia  and


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