• Aziza Juraeva The Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
  • Olim Azizov General Administration of Quality Control of Medicines, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Viloyat Abdullabekova The Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
  • Nodira Yunusxodjaeva
Keywords: calendula officinalis, flower, Uzbekistan, gazochromatomass, spectrophotometry, essential oils.


The article presents the results of research into component composition of raw calendula’s essential oil. The study was conducted by gas chromatography mass spectrophotometry method under the following conditions: column - CP-Wax58FFAPCB24,5 mmx 250mm x0,20 mmnominal, the mobile-phase-He (helium), speed-column mobile phase-1.0 ml /min, volume sample injection-5mkl; resolutions(5:1), in the Split, high-boiling chamber -220 ◦C, detector temperature 275◦C; Aux-200 ◦ C, column temperature 70C◦ gradually increased from 10◦C / min to 250◦C, maintained to the end of analysis temperature regime(250◦C)for 5min.

In the course of the research the following substances were indentified - 1H cyclopropazulen-0, 981%, α-amorphous-1, 926%, γ-cadinene-11, 598%, 1H-cyclopropazulen 4-oldecahydro-1-0.825% viridiflorol-2, 029%, β-cubeb -3.809%, T-1 muurololnaftalenol-8.522%.

In addition, it was ascertained that in different parts of the world calendula’s essential oils differ from each other in qualitative composition and quantitative components.

Author Biographies

Olim Azizov, General Administration of Quality Control of Medicines, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

General Administration on the quality control of medicines and medical equipment of the Republic of  Uzbekistan

Viloyat Abdullabekova, The Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
The Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
Nodira Yunusxodjaeva
The Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute


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