The Influence Of The Local Media That Shows Activity In Erzurum Province

  • Salih Seyhan Faculty Of Communication, Ataturk University
Keywords: Local Media, Affectivity Measurement


The newspapers and televisions which are classified as into the concept of  “mass­media” are the part the democratic community life and also being the fourth force of it. As the result of the democratic and technological developments, the local media organizations are also becoming more and more widespread and making their presence felt. The power of the national media and its influence on  the society is known in general  manner. On   the other hand, the communicative power of the “local media” is an open ended question. This study,  supported  by   implementing  a  survey, aimed  at asserting the influence of the local media in Erzurum Province. In this study, Turkey's eastern Anatolia region of Erzurum in  the province, were selected as pilot  regions. Applied to  the model Survey in  the research and survey technique  applied  in  accordance with  this  objective.  The survey, the selectedsamplein the18years of ageand oldersubjects  384peopleapplied.  Research, to  be followed by  local newspapers, television rates in the times, reached the masses, hence the idea of communicative success and the public on topics such as information obtained. According to  research results, local media supported the hypothesis necessary for the local people and local media were limited to the power of the local agenda setting. aspect will contribute to future research aspect will contribute to future research.


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