Labour Immigration In The Czech Republic

  • Tomas Pavelka University of Economics, Prague
  • Libuse Macakova University of Economics, Prague
Keywords: Labour, Immigration


The Czech Republic is a small open economy, attractive for labour immigrants. Foreigners may participate in the Czech labour market either as employees or as independent entrepreneurs. The accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union in 2004 substantially changed the entry of citizens of other countries to the Czech labour market. Up to 2008, the number of economically active foreigners grew with the improvement in the Czech economy. However, their number declined with the economic recession in 2009 and 2010. The Czech Republic actively attempts to recruit qualified foreigners, and there have been a number of immigration programmes. From 2003 to 2010 there was the Selection of Qualified Foreign Workers; then the Green Card Project from 2009; and the Blue Card Project from 2011 The aim of this article is to analyse and explain these facts with the help of statistic data.


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